Nicaraguan Overruns

Nicaraguan Overruns cigars come from a famous factory, known around the world for producing some of the most highly sought-after Nicaraguan brands on the market. We cannot tell you the name of this factory, but we can tell you they have now provided you with a special wholesale priced treat that allow your sales to soar. These overruns are handmade premium cigars that were destined for a regular production line. However, for various reasons, there were too many made. They are now available to you and your customers for a price that’s so low, you barely have to take out your wallet. Rolled with aged Nicaraguan tobacco, they are available with several different wrapper types; your customers will have the choice of a maduro, a natural, an Indonesian, a Mexican, or a Habano. If you knew who made these, you would buy us out immediately, so go right now to Santa Clara Cigars and pick up these delicious overruns for our wholesale cigar prices that can’t be beat!

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