Nicaraguan Overruns
Maduro Churchill 7 × 48 NOVMCH
Please note: Sizes do vary for these cigars and may not match the size specified on the website due to the fact that they are overruns.
Nicaraguan Overruns Maduro Churchill cigars come from a famous factory that’s known around the world for producing some of the most highly sought-after Nicaraguan brands on the market. If your customers knew who made them, they’d most likely be willing to pay twice the price. These are by no means factory seconds, but rather they are first rate premium cigars destined for a regular production line, but due to some inconsistency in size, the company packaged them in affordable bundles of 20. This Nicaraguan puro blend, covered by an oily and dark maduro wrapper, provides a medium- to- full bodied profile of chocolate, leather, espresso, and spice. Stock up on bundles of 20 from Santa Clara for the best wholesale cigar prices on the web, and show your shoppers a daily smoker that blows the competition away!
Bundle of 20
Medium - Full