Nicaraguan Overruns
Maduro Figurado 6 × 54 NOVMFI
Please note: Sizes do vary for these cigars and may not match the size specified on the website due to the fact that they are overruns.
Nicaraguan Overruns Maduro Figurado cigars are produced by a famous Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer whose name we are not at liberty to disclose. If your customers knew who made them, they’d most likely be willing to pay twice the price. These overruns are not factory seconds, but rather they are first-rate handmade premium cigars that were destined for a regular production line, but due to some discrepancy in size, the company packaged them in affordable bundles of 20. This gorgeous 6 x 54 Figurado is composed of an oily and dark maduro wrapper encasing the finest aged Nicaraguan binder and long fillers tobacco. The end result is a medium- to- full bodied smoke with captivating flavors of earth, leather, coffee, and spice. Stock up on bundles of 20 from Santa Clara Cigars, and watch even your most frugal cigar shoppers fall in love with these delicious maduro wrapped Nicaraguan Overruns, while you watch your profit margins soar!
Bundle of 20
Medium - Full