Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 is a luxury cigar that is sure to fly off your shelves and put profit into your register. To commemorate 85 years of crafting top-shelf handmade cigars, Montecristo worked with the famous cigar blender AJ Fernandez to reimagine the original blend that made Montecristo popular all those years ago. These 6.12x52 gems are crafted with extensively aged tobaccos that were exclusively cultivated in the best growing regions of Nicaragua and rolled at AJ Fernandez’s San Lotano cigar factory. Your customers will get a decadent medium-full bodied smoke that effortlessly delivers a good balance of spice, cocoa, earth, pepper, and leather. Available at wholesale prices in boxes of 10 from Santa Clara Cigars, order Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 online today for your cigar store.
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Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua
No. 2 6.14 × 52 MX352
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 is a luxury cigar that is sure to fly off your shelves and put profit into your register. To commemorate 85 years of crafting top-shelf handmade cigars, Montecristo worked with the famous cigar blender AJ Fernandez to reimagine the original blend that made Montecristo popular all those years ago. These 6.12x52 gems are crafted with extensively aged tobaccos that were exclusively cultivated in the best growing regions of Nicaragua and rolled at AJ Fernandez’s San Lotano cigar factory. Your customers will get a decadent medium-full bodied smoke that effortlessly delivers a good balance of spice, cocoa, earth, pepper, and leather. Available at wholesale prices in boxes of 10 from Santa Clara Cigars, order Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 online today for your cigar store.
Box of 10
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Medium - Full