Lotus Cigar Cutters
Cyclops Punch Satin Gunmetal 3LCYPG
Introduce your client base to cigar accessories at an elevated level that will enhance their smoking sessions with the Lotus Cyclops Punch Cigar Cutter. Coming from the Lotus brand, regardless of the accessory your client base needs, they can almost always expect a hassle-free and optimal performing experience. A handy tool and cigar companion, the cutter showcases innovative thinking with its sturdy all metal build. Its keys attributes include an 11mm punch, key ring attachments and the most noteworthy, a twist-open and self-cleaning design. Presented here in a Satin Gunmetal color, the model is available in a variety of colors to match your customers preferences as well. This cutter is for the cigar aficionados who appreciate convenience, quality and affordability. Shop Santa Clara today for this incredible offer.
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