Garcia y Vega Game
Garcia y Vega Game cigars, a wildly popular line extension to this centuries old domestic brand, is the perfect recommendation for those who prefer top-quality flavor infused machine-made cigars. Stylish and unapologetically so, Garcia y Vega Game cigars are made with natural all tobacco leaf wrappers, Cuban-seed short fillers, and come packaged in resealable pouches to preserve their freshness without the need for a humidor. As the largest wholesale cigar distributor on the web, we carry the entire line of Garcia y Vega Game cigars that come in mouthwatering blends such as White Peach, Grape, Mango, Honey, and more. For those who prefer more traditional tobacco taste and less flavorings, Garcia y Vega Game Cigarillo Silver, Black, and Red, will provide the perfect recommendation. A mellow strength profile, top-notch construction, and Santa Clara’s everyday low wholesale prices will make Garcia y Vega Game an affordable option for them, and a very profitable selection for you to feature in your store. Stock up today!