Tatiana Mini Tins
Tatiana Mini Tins cigars are expertly hand rolled with Cuban-seed Dominican tobacco and a flavorful Indonesian wrapper just like their bigger counterparts. the difference being that these tasty treats come to your store in pocket-friendly 10-count tins for quick and profitable sales. Presented in a variety of mouthwatering flavors, that includes Chocolate, Cherry, Mandarin, Groovy Blue, Vanilla, Rum and Honey, these cigarillos provide an enjoyably sweet taste, a perfect draw, and an intoxicating aroma. Tatiana Mini Tins have all the nuances and complexity of their larger counterparts packed into a short, quick smoke. Shoppers on the go who crave a top-quality flavor infused premium cigar will definitely find these Mini’s to good to pass up. Order yours today from Santa Clara, the biggest and best place to buy your wholesale cigars.
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