Tabacos Baez Serie S.F.
Tabacos Baez Serie S.F. is an affordably priced lineup of cigars that’s expertly handmade in the famed My Father™ factory in Nicaragua. These value priced cigars are rolled in the Cuban “sandwich” style, which means they feature a filler blend made of both long and short Nicaraguan tobaccos, surrounded by a flawless chestnut brown Nicaraguan EMS wrapper. Tabacos Baez Serie S.F. cigars offer a medium-bodied strength profile and notes of coffee, earth, and spice, and burn so consistently slow, your shoppers will be hard-pressed to tell that these Nicaraguan puros aren’t crafted from long-filler leaves. Stock up on Tabacos Baez Serie S.F when you buy wholesale cigars from Santa Clara and show them an inexpensive everyday smoke that’s certain to exceed their expectations.