Sancho Panza
Extra Fuerte
A value-priced brand from General Cigar, the same company that produces famous names like Cohiba, La Gloria Cubana, and Partagas, Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte premium cigars will offer your shoppers a bold kick of flavor at an unbelievably affordable price. While these gems may be inexpensive, they punch way above their weight with a blend of aged Nicaraguan and Honduran Ligero long fillers bunched in a Honduran binder and a top-quality Honduran wrapper leaf that has a rich reddish-brown color. Extra Fuerte lives up to its name with a powerful full-bodied smoke with earthy Cubanesque flavors with a touch of sweetness, and your shoppers will definitely be buying these gems by the box to keep well-stocked in their humidors. Best of all, these gems come in three popular box-pressed vitolas so it will never be a problem making the sale. Suggest to your seasoned and frugal clientele a box of 20 Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte cigars, order them online at unbeatable wholesale prices today with Santa Clara Cigars.
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