Sancho Panza
Double Maduro
Sancho Panza Double Maduro, a wonderful line extension to the popular Sancho Panza brand, will be a huge hit in your cigar store among fans who like their cigars black as night. These dark smokes feature a licorice-black Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that gleams with oil. Complementing this sultry leaf are aged long-filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras, all of which are cradled inside a sturdy Connecticut shade binder. As a medium-full bodied smoke, this beauty is simply teeming with a tapestry of bold notes that include pepper, tangy spice, espresso, and almonds, sure to knock the socks off the seasoned palates that frequent your shop. The affordable and highly flavorful Sancho Panza Double Maduro ships to you from Santa Clara Cigars in cedar chests of 20, and budget-friendly packs of five, place your online order today to get these gems at the best wholesale prices you can find on the internet!