Sancho Panza Cigars
Sancho Panza Cigars, a premium yet reasonably priced offering, now crafted under the watchful eyes of the famous General Cigar Company, have a rich history that dates back more than 150 years to the rich soils of Cuba. Forced to move to Honduras following the rise of Castro, today they are one of the top selling Honduran cigars in the United States. The original Sancho Panza combines the smooth and creamy notes of a top-quality Connecticut wrapper, with the complexity of filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican. The Extra Fuerte adds a nice amount of pepper and spice with 100% aged Honduran tobaccos, to satisfy the full-bodied smoker. The rich Double Maduro is perfect for the aficionado who prefers good and savory notes of cocoa and a light sweetness. These cigars are flavorful, smooth and best of all they have a low and affordable price point. This will keep your customers’ wallets full and your profit margins will look better than ever. Place your order with Santa Clara Cigars today to get the best wholesale prices on boxes and 5-packs on Sancho Panza Cigars for your cigar store, you won’t regret it!