Romeo y Julieta
Two titans of the premium cigar industry, the Plasencia family and Altadis USA, have teamed up to capture the shadows of love with Romeo y Julieta Envy cigars. Love is a beautiful thing, but it can also elicit emotions of envy, and that complex emotion has been perfectly represented with a luxurious, complex smoke. Flawlessly built by the highly skilled rollers at Plasencia Cigars SA in Nicaragua, these gems feature extensively aged Nicaraguan tobaccos from Plasencia’s private reserves throughout the blend, serving as the long fillers, binder, and top-quality wrapper. Presented as a lone 6x55 vitola called the Amulet, these gems wear a secondary band depicting the evil eye to stave off any negative emotions during your customers’ smoking experiences. With a rich medium-bodied character, Romeo y Julieta Envy conjures a complex tapestry of dark chocolate, spices, earth, and creamy-sweet nougat flavors that will steal the hearts of customers both novice and experienced. With production limited to only 100,000 cigars, make sure your cigar store does not miss out on any impassioned sales of this top-shelf brand. Packaged in vibrant and eye-catching green boxes of 11, get your inventory of Romeo y Julieta Envy cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web by ordering them with Santa Clara Cigars today.
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