Romeo y Julieta
Book of Love
Romeo y Julieta has been popular since emerging in 1875 with their Cuban cigars then branching out to more contemporary blends further cementing their place as a leader in the cigar space. Founded in Cuba, no cigar devotee can deny Romeo Y Julieta's influence on the global industry. Paying tribute to their expertise, the brand's latest addition Romeo y Julieta's Book of Love is the latest addition to the market.
Quite impressive, it truly exemplifies the intention behind the labor of love and may just be the standout star in an otherwise equal ensemble cast. Exuding an aura of intrigue and drama with inspiration drawn from a well-known Shakespearean literary tragedy, this limited edition blend is exceptional from its premium flavors to the exquisite packaging.
Captivating, the complexity behind the blend and overall production handled by Tabacalera de García in La Romana, Dominican Republic proves the company's dedication to staying on top of the cigar game. Comprised of a Dominican core and binder, at the heart of this 6 x 52 toro is a blend of tobaccos harvested from Cibao Valley that has been carefully aged to perfection. Boasting an Ecuadorian wrapper, this richly flavored cigar delivers notes of cedar, dark chocolate and a slight spiciness on the finish delighting the palate with each draw.
Encapsulated in a cardinal work of art fashioned to be placed onto a shelf of the most luxurious library or on display at a reputable museum, each cigar boasts equally luxe bands of gold recalling back to the exterior trim, an attractive contrast atop its beautiful brown hue. Although ostentatious, where the cigar truly shines is through the actual experience. Like sweet baking spices rolling across your tongue, its tasty plumes of medium to full-bodied smoke enchants the senses.
Rounding out the portfolio of one of the most recognized brands in the industry, it’s clear the exclusive blend that is the Book of Love is a masterpiece cigar connoisseurs are sure to fall in love with and smokers should not miss out on experiencing.
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