Rocky Patel
The Edge Connecticut
Made to appeal to an audience that prefers their handmade premium cigars on the mellow side, Rocky Patel The Edge Connecticut is a good choice to offer them. Crafted by the famous cigar blender Rocky Patel, these cigars feature a well-balanced blend of expertly aged Honduran and Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos and Nicaraguan binder, finished with a top-notch Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper, delivers a robust flavor with delicate nuances of black pepper, coffee, and nuts, and a complexity reminiscent of the original Edge. While these expertly designed beauties hover between mellow and mellow-medium bodied, they deliver a heap of complex nuances that even your fuller-bodied enthusiasts can easily enjoy as a morning or mid-day smoke. Treat your customers to Rocky Patel The Edge Connecticut cigars in a wide variety of popular sizes, place your order with Santa Clara Cigars today to get these top-quality smokes at the best wholesale prices on the web!