Rocky Patel Sixty
Famous brand owner Rocky Patel turned 60 this year, and to celebrate his eponymous premium cigar company has released Rocky Patel Sixty cigars. Following the theme of his other top-rated birthday releases, the Fifty and Fifty-Five, these treats get their name from Rocky’s age in the year of release. For the Sixty, a core of aged Nicaraguan tobaccos composes the long fillers and binder, which are veiled in a top-shelf San Andres Mexican wrapper leaf that has a dusky, oily hue. After being rolled with top-notch construction and box-pressed at the TaviCusa cigar factory, these commemorative gems aged for an added two years. Bold, balanced, and incredibly complex, your shoppers will indulge in a savory medium-full bodied smoke that is certain to capture their palates and a permanent spot in their humidors. Available here at Santa Clara Cigars in three popular vitolas at the best wholesale prices on the web, stock your cigar store with Rocky Patel Sixty cigars by placing your order today!
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