Riata Cigars
Considered one of the best go-to brands by heaps of cigar smokers, Riata Cigars are available in both a mellow-medium bodied Dominican-made and a medium-bodied Nicaraguan-made blend. Both feature a symphony of delectable tastes and top-notch quality and consistency, with the original Riata being fashioned with aged Honduran long fillers within Mexican binders and fillers while the Riata Dominican uses top-quality Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers packed in a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and your customers’ choice of either golden-brown Connecticut Shade or dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers. Packaged in low-cost cellophaned bundles of 20 and 22, these premium cigars are one of the best values on the market for the customer, and a great way for your cigar store to see some bumps in profit. Many longtime customers will already be familiar with how good these smokes are, so it’s your job to introduce them to the beginners who will love them. Order popular sizes and add them to the cart on the number-one place for wholesale cigars on the web, Santa Clara Cigars.