Punch Gran
Puro Nicaragua
Following the Gran Puro line which became famous as one of the first Honduran puros in the handmade premium cigar industry, Punch Gran Puro Nicaragua cigars provide a different take on Nicaraguan tobaccos. Unlike its predecessor which is a Honduran puro, Gran Puro Nicaragua cigars are not puros, but have a center of aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobaccos that are dressed in a top-quality Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The broadleaf adds a bit of sweetness to the full-bodied smoke, accompanied by bold notes of chocolate, earth, and spice that are incredibly good. Best of all, these gems are offered at an affordable price point so shoppers with a stricter budget can also get some for their humidors. Rolled at the famous STG Danli cigar factory in Honduras with top-notch construction, there is nothing about these sticks your customers will dislike. Stock your cigar store with the four vitolas of Punch Gran Puro Nicaragua cigars at unbeatable wholesale prices and make your inventory order online today with Santa Clara Cigars.
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