Plasencia Cigars
The premium handmade lineup of Plasencia cigars are the namesake of one of the most influential people currently active in the cigar industry, Nestor Plasencia. With factories in both Honduras and Nicaragua, there’s nothing this cigar maker can’t do; he grows his own tobacco, rolls his own cigars, and has helped pioneer the vision of other popular cigar brands including Rocky Patel and Alec Bradley, just to name a few. The original Plasencia cigar is a top-quality slow burning beauty boasting a Nicaraguan binder and aged long filler tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua. Depending on the specific size, you can offer customers a choice of either a top-shelf Ecuador Connecticut, or black and oily Nicaraguan maduro wrapper. Both offer exceptionally smooth, yet well-refined medium body notes of earth, leather, coffee, and cedar, while those preferring a good smattering of spice and chocolate flavors will be more pleased by the maduro. Joining Nestor’s famous first creation is the exciting new Jamon by Plasencia, a more robust offering fashioned with 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos from the country’s top growing regions. With long fillers from Jalapa, Habano binder leaf from the volcanic soils of Ometepe, and a rare Viso Habano Jalapa wrapper, the customers in your cigar store will experience one of the most complex and delicious medium to full body smokes that Nestor has ever produced. Treat your customers to one of the best cigar makers in the industry by ordering Plasencia Cigars at unbeatable wholesale prices with Santa Clara Cigars.