Partagas Black Label
If you asked the world’s most knowledgeable cigar aficionados to make a list of the best regular-production full-bodied cigars, there is no doubt that the Partagas Black Label would be near the very top. This is undoubtedly one of the strongest and most flavorful premium cigars on the market. It starts off a powerhouse blend of long fillers from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Then, covering a tasty Dominican binder, is one of the most intensely flavorful and unique wrappers ever grown. It is known as Connecticut Medio Tiempo, which is basically a sun-grown maduro leaf gathered from the top priming’s of the plant that gets the most sunlight to enhance its strength. Each puff provides an abundance of chocolate, earth, sweet spices , and cocoa notes, with a blast of black pepper on the backend for some added kick. No cigar store is complete without the Partagas Black Label so make sure to order yours today from Santa Clara, your number one place to buy premium cigars wholesale.
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