Omar Ortez
Sure to be a popular smoke for your cigar store, Omar Ortez Connecticut cigars show off the softer side of Nicaragua. Rolled by hand at the Ortez family’s Nicaraguan factory as three classic vitolas, these fine, premium smokes feature a silky-smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that seamlessly embraces an aged center of choice Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos. The Nicaraguan tobaccos selected for the binder and fillers are specifically chosen to play off the smooth, supple flavors of the Connecticut wrapper, yielding a rich medium-bodied smoke to the palate with each puff. Customers will savor rich notes of leather, cream, earth, cedar, baking spice, and hints of pepper throughout that will keep their palates livened without overwhelming them. These are a great suggestion for both seasoned aficionados and novices alike who are looking for a flavorful yet smooth smoke for their humidors. Offered here at Santa Clara Cigars in either boxes of 20 or boxes of 60 and always at the best wholesale prices on the web, order your inventory of Omar Ortez Connecticut for your cigar store today.
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