Montecristo New York
First launched in 2012, Montecristo New York cigars started out has a regional offering made exclusively for New York State retailers. Due to its overwhelming success in stores throughout the Big Apple, Altadis decided it would be in their best interest to release these luxurious Monte’s to retailers, wholesalers, and online shops throughout the country. Montecristo New York is meticulously fashioned in a perfectly square-pressed format for a nice slow burn and effortless draw. The cigars are available in a (6 x54) Toro and a( 6 x 60) Connoisseur Collection. Both vitolas feature a gorgeous, dark, and oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, atop a Nicaraguan binder, and fully aged Dominican long fillers. The cigar is medium bodied and highly complex, offering creamy textured notes of anise, leather, black cherry, and espresso. A must have Montecristo for stores located in New York, these rare and unique cigars will also provide many sales in shops throughout the rest of the country.
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