Montecristo Epic
Montecristo Epic cigars are yet another masterful creation produced by the famed Grupo de Maestros at Altadis U.S.A’s Tabacalera de Garcia factory in the Dominican Republic. These level “10” Cuban-born blenders and rollers are given the task of creating only the finest and rarest cigars in the Altadis brand portfolio. Fuller in body than other legendary Montecristo cigars, Epic is made with a premium blend of vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican long filler tobaccos that are surrounded by a spicy Nicaraguan binder and a seamless Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf. The result is a robust, full bodied smoke with rich multi-layered notes of coffee, leather, cinnamon, and sweetness. Presented in eye-catching boxes of 10, each box includes a certificate of authenticity signed by the skilled artisan who created your customers cigars. When you buy wholesale cigars from Santa Clara, be sure to stock up on boxes of Montecristo Epic for those smokers who demand the best!
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