Montecristo Crafted
by A.J. Fernandez

Montecristo is one of the oldest and most trusted Cuban heritage cigar brands in existence, and AJ Fernandez is the master blender responsible for some of the most popular Nicaraguan cigars on the market today. Montecristo Crafted by A.J. Fernandez combines the talents of these two industry Rockstar’s, and the result is a blend that will become a sure fire hit in any shopkeeper’s cigar display. The blend of this artisanal creation consists of an Ecuador Sumatra wrapper, a San Andrés binder, and long fillers from Honduras and Nicaragua. After rolling, each cigar is formed into a box pressed shape then laid to rest in fragrant cedar storage bins until the cigars are perfectly aged and ready to ship to your store. Boasting flawless construction and an excellent draw, medium to full bodied notes of earth, coffee, spice, leather, and caramel, along with a naturally sweet, aroma, combine to offer a smoke that will have even your pickiest customers craving more. When you buy wholesale cigars from Santa Clara be sure to add these modern-day classics to your order and watch them fly out your door.
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