La Finca Cigars
La Finca cigars have been a top choice among smokers since they made their inaugural debut back in 1972. Medium to full bodied, with nutty, spicy, and earthy flavors, backed by naturally sweet core, these age-old premium cigars remain one of Nicaragua's largest-selling brands. La Finca also holds the distinction of being one of the least expensive cigars to receive excellent ratings from Cigar Aficionado. After being the lone wolf in the brand portfolio for over 30-years, the original La Finca cigar teamed up with its distant European cousin, La Finca Europa. This Frank Llaneza blend, the genius behind such legendary marques such as Hoyo, Punch, and El Rey del Mundo, boasts a silky, golden brown Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, a Sumatra binder, and aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. Although mellower than the original, the Europa still has plenty of character and tons rich flavor that includes luscious notes of cocoa, roasted nuts, cedar, sweet spice, and caramel. Tierra Brava cigars, the latest installment to the La Finca line, is a Nicarguan puro that delivers rich medium bodied flavors of earth, pepper, espresso, and wood. Now, with three budget friendly La Finca blends for your clientele to choose from, there’s never been a better time to order these highly profitable cigars from Santa Clara—your one stop shop for the best wholesale cigar prices on the web!