La Aroma de
Cuba Cigars
The La Aroma de Cuba brand has a long history that stretches back to late 1800s Cuba where it was a favorite of Winston Churchill, and today La Aroma de Cuba Cigars have been revived by Ashton and the renowned Garcia family. The Garcia family also has a rich Cuban history prior to the embargo, and they pay homage to their lineage with each handmade premium cigar made at their famous My Father Cigars SA cigar factory. Now encompassing several top-rated lines such as Mi Amor and Edicion Especial, La Aroma de Cuba cigars will provide your shoppers with bold, rich, top-shelf flavors that capture the essence of Cuba in every puff. La Aroma de Cuba cigars also feature luxury old-world artwork on the bands and boxes, certain to draw the eyes of your shoppers who will eagerly be purchasing boxes for their humidors. Available in several popular vitolas and blends, stock your cigar store with La Aroma de Cuba Cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web by ordering your inventory with Santa Clara Cigars.
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