Hoyo La Amistad
Dark Sumatra
Hoyo de Monterrey Dark Sumatra is a line of premium cigars that have been lagging in sales for the past few years, so the company decided it need an overhaul to appeal to a more contemporary audience. Therefore, they called upon the exceptional cigarmaking talents of AJ Fernandez to put a fresh coat of paint on this somewhat stagnate blend. When crafting La Amistad Dark Sumatra, AJ used the original blend that consists of an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and aged long fillers form Honduran, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. The difference being that Fernandez used his signature fermentation and aging techniques to provide an extraordinary blend that breathes new life into these classic Cuban-heritage cigars. The Hoyo de Monterrey La Amistad Dark Sumatra boasts the same medium to full bodied strength profile as the original, this time with delicious new flavors of earth, pepper, espresso, cinnamon and wood. This 5-country blend has all the complexity and great taste that smokers have come expect from AJ Fernandez, without sacrificing Hoyo de Monterrey’s classic Cubanesque character and taste. Your Hoyo de Monterrey cigar fans will simply love these revamped cigars, and you’ll love watching them fly off your shelves!
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