Hoyo de Monterrey
Hoyo de Monterrey handmade premium cigars started out after Estelo Padrón, the famous Cuban cigar maker, along with several of his peers, fled Cuba during the revolution in the 1960s. Settling in Honduras, Padrón set out to prove that top-quality cigars did not have to be Cuban. Now run by the General Cigar Company, which is also responsible for popular brands like Punch and Excalibur, Hoyo de Monterrey uses the finest aged long filler Cuban-seed tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, Hoyo de Monterrey is a smoke reminiscent of those pre-embargo Cuban treats. The top-quality core is bound by a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf binder and finished with either an EMS Ecuador Sumatra, or a maduro or oscuro Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, giving your customers a wide variety of medium-full bodied flavors to enjoy. No cigar store is complete without the flavorful and affordable Hoyo de Monterrey, so order bundles of 25 or packs of 5 at the best wholesale prices today with Santa Clara Cigars.