Hoyo de Monterrey
Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars are a popular brand among smokers who still love that good Cuban-style flavor. Hoyo de Monterrey was originally founded in Cuba, but once Castro took over and the embargo went into effect, the brand relocated to the fertile lands of Honduras and set out to prove that top-quality cigars do not need to be made in Cuba. And man, oh man, did they succeed! Now under the umbrella of the famous General Cigar Company, responsible for other top-shelf brands like Cohiba, CAO, and Macanudo, Hoyo de Monterrey has put out one top-rated blend after another with lines like the original Hoyo de Monterrey and Hoyo De Tradicion. Both feature a perfectly aged core of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Dominican long fillers grown from Cuban seeds and bound with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf binder. The original Hoyo de Monterrey is offered with 3 different top-shelf wrappers, and De Tradicion is swathed with a top-quality Honduran Jamastran Rosado wrapper that glistens with oils. Whatever Hoyo de Monterrey cigars your customers need, Santa Clara Cigars can satisfy them with the best wholesale prices on the web, so place your order today!