Henry Clay Cigars
Henry Clay Cigars, sold here at Santa Clara for the best wholesale cigar prices on the web, have a long and storied history that dates back to Havana Cuba in the early 1840s.The original blend, the first Henry Clay made outside of Cuba, is a maduro wrapped stick with delicious medium bodied flavors of licorice, black pepper, dark roast coffee, and leather. Following on the heels of the original Dominican offering’s enormous success, the company set up shop at the famed Flor de Copán factory to create the Henry Clay Honduran cigars for those that prefer a bolder medium to full bodied smoke. Henry Clay Stalk Cut cigars are named after the process in which the entire tobacco plant is chopped at the base and hung by its stalk to cure in a barn. This brings out all of the tobacco’s natural sugars and deep rich flavors. This one-of- a kind creation is full bodied and oozing with a savory flavors of chocolate, coffee, leather, and spice. Then, to put a modern spin on this age-old brand, the Henry Clay Warhawk, and Warhawk Rebellion lines were created. Both medium bodied gems provide their own distinctively delicious flavor profiles that will bring a whole new generation of Henry Clay cigar smokers to your shop. Order yours today from Santa Clara, and watch your patrons come to love this modestly priced lineup of handmade premium cigars.