Customers who like to stay on top of the latest cigar innovations will enjoy Helix handmade premium cigars. The cigar industry has done a tremendous job keeping up with modern trends, and one of the best examples of this is the Helix. An artful and flavorful medium-bodied cigar that will certainly catch the eyes of your customers, they are named for the spiral pattern you can see on its wrapper. The cores of these cigars are crafted with an aged and complex blend of filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras, and Brazil. Available in two different blends, for the original a top-quality Connecticut Shade wrapper cloaks a hearty Mexican binder, while the maduro boasts a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and Honduran binder. Providing a rich, tasty, and affordable smoke with a creative modern twist, these colorful and delectable cigars will create buzz and keep your customers coming back for more, garnering a profit for your cigar store; get Helix cigars at unbeatable wholesale prices by ordering with Santa Clara Cigars.