H. Upmann 1844
The H. Upmann brand has a long and storied history with Cuban-roots dating back to 1844, followed by a history of top-selling blends produced in the Dominican Republic. H. Upmann is known for their smooth, flavorful handmade premium cigars that stay to true to their Cuban origins. The H. Upmann 1844 Reserve cigars are a fuller bodied line extension to the original 1844 line. The cigars feature a dark, reddish-brown Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that sits atop a Nicaraguan binder and aged Dominican long filler tobaccos. The result is a medium-full bodied smoke that's rich in flavor and brimming with notes of earth, spices, leather, roasted nuts , and caramel. H. Upmann 1844 offers a combination of great taste, value, and name brand recognition that will make it a top selling and highly profitable brand to feature in your store.
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