Gurkha Colorado
The Gurkha Cigar Company is famous for providing premium cigars at a great price. Well now that price is even better with the Gurkha Colorado blend, a full-bodied bundled line of cigars. They are quite the powerful smokes, featuring vintage Nicaraguan fillers, an Ecuador Connecticut binder, and an oily Nicaraguan wrapper that gives it tastes of pepper, spice, and nuts. However, it is also very balanced with no single note becoming overbearing. One of the most popular full-strength bundled cigars on the market, Gurkha Colorado is packaged with 20 cigars to each economical bundle. These cigars will have your customers’ mouths watering and their wallets happy. Customers will be lining up at your register to stuff these babies in their humidors, earning your cigar store some serious profit. Order some Gurkha Colorado bundles at the best wholesale prices today here at Santa Clara Cigars.