Gurkha Cigars
What is there more to say about Gurkha cigars that every knowledgeable aficionado doesn’t already know? One of the best lines of luxury-class cigars ever created, Gurkha is often referred to as the Rolls-Royce of handmade premium cigars. They are available right here at Santa Clara in a diverse array of distinct blends, popular sizes, eye-catching packaging, and various strengths to accommodate every type of palate. We are proud to say that we sell the entire line of Gurkha cigars for the best wholesale prices on the web! Your customers have a choice of Gurkha blends that range from affordable to super-pricey, but they can rest assured that the quality and level of excellence is no different throughout this famous brand portfolio. The huge fan club of Gurkha cigar loyalists includes newbies, veteran smokers, and the world’s most elite, including leading politicians, movie stars, members of royalty, and military officials. Santa Clara, the world’s largest cigar wholesale distributors, is extremely proud to be able to offer our merchants a huge selection of Gurkha cigars that are an absolute necessity in your place of business.