Foundation The Wise

Man Corojo

Simply put: if you want the best, most popular and frequently trending cigars on your shelves, you need to invest in The Wise Man. Foundation’s wildly popular Nicaraguan puro has been all over the cigar industry for the last few years, reaching the palms of some big-time celebrity smokers and a coveted space in the humidors of aficionados everywhere. Now that the original line has been discontinued, a new blend with new packaging, new leaves from different farmlands and new energy has arisen, we must ask: what are you waiting for? Blending years of prestige and tradition with contemporary innovation, once again Foundation Cigar’s dedication to awarding its fan base and in turn the cigar industry a memorable cigar is showcased in this new offering. Captivating, the explosive line-up draws inspiration from the illustrious story of how the legendary son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba was born further deepening the scope of intellect and time put into its creation. The Wise Man is now produced with both a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper and a Maduro with Mexican San Andres wrapping. Produced with Pepin Garcia and My Father’s Cigars, the new partnership has produced a dualistic smoking experience depending on the wrapper. For the Corojo in particular, brand founder Nicholas Melillo promises a “sweet but refined” smoking experience. The flavor profile delicately bounces from vanilla and marshmallow all the way through a more sophisticated blend of nuts, earth and toasted bread. Unlike the El Gueguense and the original Wise Man, the cigar’s underlying creaminess is a tribute to its aggressive shift away from the debut blend that put Foundation on the map. Rarely does a brand founder divert so significantly from a piece of art without first knowing he can one-up his prior efforts. The Wise Man, now in brighter red and blue packaging with a logo reminiscent of a breast plate on your favorite futbol uniform, does just that. Seeing Foundation partner with My Father cigars is a match made in heaven and, in many ways, the brands share a similar backstory full of perseverance and a desire to stand out from the pack. Pepin Garcia, a hand roller since the age of 11, brought his legacy brand to the point where each new line is an instant smash hit, critically acclaimed and earning scores well into the 90s. The Garcia touch, when combined with Melillo’s foresight and vision for the Foundation brand, makes this a blend worth stocking on your shelves. Shop Santa Clara now for all of your Foundation favorites and secure the new Wise Man available in boxes of 20 at the best wholesale prices on the internet. The Wise Man is more powerful than ever, which means you need to stock up now before they’re all sold out!
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