Espinosa Cigars
Espinosa Cigars, owned by cigar master Erik Espinosa, has become the mastermind and manufacturer for some of the best boutique cigars being sold on the market today. Handcrafted in his famous La Zona Factory in Nicaragua, Erik’s portfolio includes several top-rated blends made with specially procured aged long filler tobaccos and many distinct top-shelf wrapper varieties. With a wide range of strength offerings in the vast portfolio, these top-notch sticks are a special treat for patrons looking for a totally unique cigar smoking experience, especially with offerings like Reggae Dread which are rolled with multiple pigtails on the cap to resemble the iconic hairstyle. Espinosa’s eye-catching blends are sure to generate a profit in your cigar store from all the buzz they create. Order the collection of Espinosa Cigars online right here at Santa Clara Cigars to get unbeatable wholesale prices on this incredibly popular brand.