INCH Nicaragua
by E.P. Carrillo
Treat your customers to the quintessential big-ring Nicaraguan smoke by adding INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo cigars to your retail humidor. Part of a series of blends all composed of big-ring vitolas, the INCH Nicaragua is unlike any other in the line. Rather than being made at Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo cigars are made by the famous Plasencia family at Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua. The cigars are made entirely with Nicaraguan tobaccos and blended by the master himself, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr., who also blended top-rated releases like Pledge and La Historia. They feature a top-shelf and shade-grown Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper that covers an extensively aged core of Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos from Condega and Esteli. After fully lighting up the foot of one of these stocky treats, their palates will be enveloped by a bold, rich, and complex medium-full bodied tapestry of spice, earth, coffee, pepper, chocolate, hints of cream, and plenty of tobacco sweetness. Customers with a taste for rich Nicaraguan blends will be lining up at your cigar store’s register to add to their rotations. Available in three sizes, each with a 60+ ring gauge and packaged in boxes of 24, stock up on INCH by E.P. Carrillo cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web by placing your online order here at Santa Clara Cigars today.
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