Joya de Nicaragua
Sling Puck
Joya de Nicaragua is no stranger to making premium cigar packaging fun and exciting, and Joya de Nicaragua Sling Puck cigars will have your customers amused by both top-quality cigars and an exceptionally fun and fast-paced game of sling puck. The box unfolds to turn into a sling puck board, where two opposing players use elastic bands to get their pucks through a small opening and onto the opponent’s side of the board. Keeping with the sling puck theme, each Sling Puck box features a friendly competition between two popular Joya de Nicaragua blends, the classic Antano Gran Reserva and the Antano Connecticut. Antano Gran Reserva is represented by 10 6x54 vitolas, while the Antano Connecticut gets 10 6x50 Toro cigars, and the dual between blends commences. Antano Gran Reserva is made entirely with masterfully aged Nicaraguan tobaccos with a Criollo wrapper, while Antano Connecticut shows off Joya’s softer side with a top-quality Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Antano Connecticut delivers a smooth yet complex medium-full bodied medley of leather, spices, and cream, and Antano Gran Reserva takes it up a notch with a full-bodied tapestry of pepper, coffee, and tobacco sweetness. With only 1,400 boxes being made available to the American market, make sure your cigar store gets these top-quality treats for your shoppers. To get Joya de Nicaragua Sling Puck cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web, order boxes of 20 right here with Santa Clara Cigars.
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