Joya de Nicaragua
Cabinetta Serie
When the time comes to place your next wholesale cigar order from Santa Clara, you will not find a more unique or flavorful medium boded smoke then the Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Serie cigars. This masterpiece coming from the oldest and most trusted Nicaraguan brand, consists of a Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobacco covered in two savory wrapper varietals : an Ecuador shade-grown wrapper expertly applied from the foot to the band, and a darker-hued Nicaraguan Criollo from the band to the head. These two outer leaves combined with the best tobacco that Nicaragua has to offer leads to highly complex flavors of black pepper, leather, oak, with hints of chocolate and black cherry. Cabinetta Serie is the prefect recommendation for shoppers who are looking to discover a Joya de Nicaragua cigar without the overwhelming strength.
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