Joya de Nicaragua
1970 Antano
Treat your customers to the original Nicaraguan puro with Joya de Nicaragua 1970 Antano handmade premium cigars. Joya de Nicaragua has a tumultuous history, from being one of the most famous brands on the market during the 1970s to being caught in the middle of a bitter civil war that embroiled Nicaragua throughout the 1980s and losing their original factory. To recapture the essence of their cigars of yesteryear, they created Antano. These gems are fiery Nicaraguan puros, meaning they are exclusively made with finely aged Nicaraguan tobaccos for the long fillers, binder, and wrapper. Your shoppers will be taken aback by a full-bodied tapestry of top-quality flavors, including notes of black pepper, spice, chocolate, and earth. Just be sure to tell your clientele to have a bite to eat before they consider taking on one of these top-notch and powerful sticks! Offered in several popular vitolas and a variety of packaging quantities, stock up on Joya de Nicaragua Antano at unbeatable wholesale prices by ordering your inventory online with Santa Clara Cigars today.
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