Don Mateo
A longtime staple brand found on retailers’ shelves all over the country, the popular Don Mateo cigar brand has been pleasing the budget-conscious consumer for many decades with its affordable price and top-notch taste. The cigars in this line are made with a bold blend of aged long fillers from Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua, a hearty Mexican binder, and finished with a top-quality Mexican wrapper in either EMS or Maduro varieties. Both blends are medium-full bodied and deliver notes of earth, pepper, and spice, but the maduro version adds a bit of bittersweet cocoa to the flavor. Packed in bundles of 20, these are solid and earthy cigars that are sure to satisfy the daily needs of the seasoned aficionados that shop at your store. Your consumers will consider Don Mateo a very sensible and budget-friendly choice for their everyday cigar. Order bundles of these cigars wholesale online today with Santa Clara Cigars.