Cusano CC Bundle
From Cusano, a popular boutique-cigar manufacturer that has gained critical acclaim for its boxed selections, comes the medium-full bodied and very affordable Cusano CC Bundle edition. Manufactured by the famous Davidoff cigar company, each Cusano CC is cloaked in a premium Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper that covers a core of aged yet hearty Dominican long filler tobaccos and binder leaf. These hand-rolled gems offer a top-quality smoking experience with an easy draw, good balance, and earthy, naturally rich Cuban-style flavors. These are the perfect smoke to offer to the seasoned aficionados who enjoy top-quality Cuban taste but are also on a budget. Presented in bundles of 20, these reasonably priced cigars are an excellent everyday value for your customers, and a very profitable item for you to keep stocked in your cigar store, so order Cusano CC Bundles today at the best wholesale prices the internet has to offer with Santa Clara Cigars.