Curivari Buenaventura
Customers will gravitate towards Curivari Buenaventura premium handmade cigars for their traditional Cuban appearance, but they’ll keep coming back for their irresistible blend. Expertly crafted with Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, a hearty Nicaraguan binder, and a flawless Nicaraguan wrapper, this top-notch puro is a game-changer. Its unique bouquet of flavors which includes chocolate, sweet spice, cedar, nuts, and hints of pepper and creamy nougat is the perfect companion for its smooth, easy burn. Your customers will be elated by the top-shelf flavor that comes at an incredibly affordable price. With a name that fittingly translates to “good luck”, Buenaventura will work like a charm in your shop. Make sure you stock up right away at Santa Clara and let the luck roll into your portfolio. Order boxes of Curivari Buenaventura online today with Santa Clara Cigars, the industry leader in online wholesale cigars and cigar accessories.