La Imperiosa
Fans of Crowned Heads Cigars and of famous Cuban heritage brands will together rejoice when your cigar store picks up La Imperiosa handmade premium cigars. This Cuban brand was incredibly popular in the early 1900s and is now under the purview of the top-notch blenders over at Crowned Heads. The blend consists of a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano oscuro wrapper that is dark as night and twinkling with oils laid over a core of expertly aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobaccos. Available in four vitolas crafted by the Garcia family at their renowned My Father Cigars SA cigar factory, La Imperiosa will grace your clientele’s palates with medium-full bodied smoke that starts with a bevy of red pepper and settles into a complex tapestry of leather, tangy dried fruit, earth, and charred wood notes, worthy of a home in any aficionado’s humidor. Make sure your shop is well stocked with La Imperiosa cigars by ordering your inventory online today at the best wholesale prices on the web with Santa Clara Cigars.
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