Cohiba Red Dot
Cohiba Cigars were made famous for being the preferred smoke of Fidel Castro , who had them made for his own personal enjoyment, and given sparingly to foreign diplomates visiting the country. Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true cigar connoisseurs choose Cohiba cigars when the moment calls for a luxurious medium bodied smoking experience. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Red Dot Cigars feature a stunning, toothy, Cameroon wrapper from Africa that surrounds an Indonesian binder, and a core of the best hand-selected long filler tobacco from the Dominican Republic. A slightly spicy flavor profile, accented with lush notes of leather, cinnamon, and sweet cream, will make Red Dot a top selling addition to your store’s Cohiba Cigar display. Stock up on boxes of Cohiba Red Dot from Santa Clara today, knowing that you just purchased them for the best wholesale cigar prices on the web.
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