Cohiba Nicaragua
Cohiba is the undisputed king of premium Dominican cigars, but they have decided to shift gears by releasing its very first all-Nicaraguan blend. This first-time creation boasts a bolder profile than many other Cohiba blends, sure to attract Cohiba fans that also enjoy the heartiness of Nicaraguan tobaccos. To accomplish the bold flavor, these cigars feature a top-shelf sun-grown Colorado Oscuro wrapper and aged Nicaraguan long fillers from two of the country’s most fertile growing regions: Jalapa and Estelí. Cohiba Nicaragua is medium to full in body and displays savory notes of aromatic cedar, leather, and a delightful hint of sweetness, delivered with Cohiba’s famously impeccable construction. Diversify your shop’s portfolio by ordering this exciting line extension in boxes of eight and 16 (with the tasty little Pequeños coming to you in tins) in a wide variety of sizes from Santa Clara Cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web!