

Provide your shoppers with some of the best smokes on the premium cigar market by stocking Cohiba Connecticut cigars in your retail humidor. Cohiba is a world-famous brand that is renowned for their luxury cigars, and Cohiba Connecticut will provide them with a smoking experience that just cannot be beat. Surrounding a core of masterfully aged Dominican and Brazilian long fillers is a zesty Mexican San Andres binder and a top-shelf Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper with a beautiful golden-brown hue. Shoppers will indulge in a rich and savory mellow-medium bodied smoke that exudes decadently good notes of cocoa, sweet cream, almonds, and buttered toast that will impress the most discerning of palates. Available in several popular sizes, these gems will appeal to a wide variety of customers and provide a solid profit for your cigar store. Stock up on Cohiba Connecticut cigars at unbeatable wholesale prices by ordering boxes of 20 online today from Santa Clara Cigars.
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