CAO Nicaragua
CAO is a brand well known for crafting their premium cigars using the rarest and hardest to find tobaccos that are sourced from the finest farms and fields throughout the world. They continue this tradition with the very popular line of CAO Nicaragua cigars. These top-of-the-line gems are expertly rolled with the finest Cuban-seed Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco, covered by a stunning maduro Honduran wrapper from the fertile Jamastran Valley. CAO Nicaragua cigars are offered in three popular vitolas: Tipitapa, Matagalpa, and Granada— all named after popular cities in Nicaragua. This is a rich full-bodied smoke with delicious dark tobacco flavors of chocolate, black pepper, dried fruit, and roasted nuts, all delivered with a crisp slow burn and a nice effortless draw. With a host of high ratings, and a large fan base, be sure to include CAO Nicaragua to your list, when you buy wholesale cigars right here at Santa Clara.
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