Camacho Cigars
Camacho Cigars is known across the industry and by its followers as a bold premium cigar loaded with big and bold flavors. Now under the direction of renowned Davidoff Cigars, the Camacho motto is “Live Loud” and it is echoed in every single one of the top-shelf cigars your customers will enjoy from this famous brand. The large collection of blends produced by this factory are all made with the best long-filler tobaccos that have been perfectly aged, packed with top-notch construction in a wide variety of top-quality wrappers. With well over a dozen blends and a long list of sizes, shapes, and packaging types, there is a Camacho cigar out there for virtually every palate. With blends ranging from the mellow-medium Connecticut blend to the insanely full-bodied Triple Maduro line, it is clear that Camacho is the best in the industry when it comes to Honduran tobaccos. Treat the customers in your cigar store to the expansive Camacho portfolio by ordering at the best wholesale prices on the web with Santa Clara Cigars.