The coolest guy in the cigar industry is back with his own line. Introducing, the Caldwell Cigar Co. by Robert Caldwell. Following his split with Christian Eiroa, Caldwell has released his own highly rated series of cigars in 2014. Since their debut, Caldwell Cigars have garnered intense popularity and taken the cigar industry by storm. Along with these top-shelf blends is impressively intriguing and unique concept and artwork that varies with each line and gives them each their own character. Your clientele can enjoy the savory and hearty Long Live the King or the smooth and silky Eastern Standard among many other top-notch and inventive brands. The one that started it all is his 2015 trade show release, the Blind Man’s Bluff, made with rich vintage Honduran tobacco. The Caldwell Cigar Co. is the epitome of a well-crafted, high quality, and unique boutique cigar company, so make sure your smokers can enjoy them today. Order inventory at the best wholesale prices on the web with Santa Clara Cigars.