Bolivar Cigars
One of the most affordable and oldest Honduran premium cigar brands on the market, Bolivar cigars are another homerun out of the renowned General Cigar factory, who craft some of the most famous brands ever made, including Hoyo de Monterrey, Excalibur, and Punch. Created under the influence and direction of the legendary Estelo Padrón, these Cuban-style sticks are a reflection of the old-school cigars from Padrón’s former home of Havana. We carry both the customer-favorite brand Bolivar Cofradia and the latest release, Bolivar Heritage. Cofradia makes use of aged Nicaraguan and Honduran long fillers packed inside a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and either an Ecuador Sumatra or Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, both of which are top-quality. Heritage adds Mexican and Dominican long fillers to the Nicaraguan and Honduran leaf, stuffed in an Ecuador Sumatra binder and a top-shelf Habano Connecticut wrapper, resulting in a rich medium-full bodied smoke. Bolivar Cigars deserve a prime spot in your cigar store, so order now at the best wholesale prices on the web with Santa Clara Cigars.